Finally summer is in full swing and families are ready for much anticipated and well-deserved vacations. In fact, many families have probably been planning for vacation for the whole year. Planning most likely included choosing a destination, finding a place to stay and deciding on the activities to do while you are away! It sounds like so much fun. But did you know that while you are planning for vacation, so are criminals who know how to target unoccupied homes and businesses?
Wayne Alarms wants to help you enjoy your vacation all while maintaining security. To do this, talk to our professional team members about security systems that can provide peace of mind for your residence or your business during the week(s) of your vacation. Here are our top five tips to protect your property so you can truly enjoy your vacation.
- Security Systems – Wayne Alarm has a variety of security systems that can fit your lifestyle, needs and budget. From full home automation to door locks and security cameras, we offer the top-of-the-line security to protect your home or business year round.
- Be Careful Who You Tell – While it may be tempting to tell all your friends on Twitter and Facebook that you are headed out on a lavish vacation – don’t do it! The fewer people who know, the better. You can turn them green with envy after the fact when you post all your amazing pictures. However, you should tell the police if you are planning on being out of town for a week or two. Also inform a trusted friend or neighbor who can keep an eye out for anything out-of-the-ordinary such as a flier attached to your front doorknob or a delivery that you were not expecting.
- Stop Deliveries – Homeowners should avoid having any deliveries made to the home while they are away. That includes mail, newspapers and any other deliveries. Piled up mail, newspapers or Amazon boxes are a huge tip off to burglars who are looking for an unoccupied home to enter.
- Make your Home Look Alive – A vacant home gives off many clues. For example, if lights usually go on and off during the day and night, criminals will spot the change if suddenly the shades are drawn and lights are off for a week or more. Send a message to people passing by your home or business that you are there. Timers for interior and exterior lights can really help. Wayne Alarm offers home automation and other security measures that can make your property look lived in.
- Unplug – Many people forget that things can and do happen while they are away. For example, a lightning storm may cause a power surge or a loss of power. We suggest unplugging major appliances including your TV, computer and small kitchen appliances while you are gone.
For more suggestions and an estimate on a security system for your home or business call Wayne Alarm today. Enjoy your vacation!