Peabody MA Security Alarm Systems
Wayne Alarm Systems is happy to provide Peabody, Massachusetts, residents, and businesses with their full range of home automation and alarm services. Located five miles south on Route 107, Wayne Alarm has served the Peabody community for over 45 years. Whether you are a school system, a major employer such as Boston Children’s Hospital, a small business, or a home, we are here to ensure you’re safe.
Peabody MA Business Security
As a growing business in Peabody, it’s important that you’re protected in every way possible. We provide security systems to protect you from internal employee theft and customer shoplifting. Fire and smoke systems protect your assets and employers from fires and carbon monoxide. In the event that an alarm or emergency event occurs, Wayne Alarm is then contacted. Highly trained professional dispatchers are here to monitor these situations.
Peabody MA Home Security
With an estimated population of around 53,000 residents, Wayne Alarm Systems would love to secure every Peabody resident. We can’t control everything that happens in this world, but we can do our best to protect our families securely. We offer single-family homes, community complexes, and multi-family homes with:
- Burglar Systems
- Fire Alarms & Smoke Detectors
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Environmental Monitoring
- Security Cameras
- Home Automation
We are continuing to make an impact in the Peabody community and look forward to speaking with you. For more information on any of our services, please call us at (781)595-0000 or fill out our contact form.