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Changing Code on Honeywell Alarm

On November 15, 2022, In security, security systems,

A Honeywell alarm system protects your home from trespassers and burglars. An alarm acts as a deterrent, telling unauthorized individuals to stay away. It also reduces the potential damage caused by a break-in.

Your alarm system is equipped with a code to keep your property safe. It’s essential to reset the code after installation and periodically to keep it from falling into the wrong hands and to ensure your property is secure.

What Is a Master Code?

Honeywell alarms have several types of code. The master code on the system is the primary code. It arms and disarms the alarm. Using the master code, you can add users to the system, delete old codes and update the system functions.

When you first install a Honeywell system, the master code is 1234. Since the default master code is the same on every system, it’s easy for an unauthorized individual to guess. To protect your home, you should change the code soon after installation. If you purchased your home from a previous owner, reset the code as quickly as possible. Be careful to who you give the master code, as it allows full access to the system.

In addition to the master code, a Honeywell alarm system also has the following:

  • An installer code: The installer code allows you to change the system’s programs. You need the installer code to adjust the entry and exit delay times or adjust sensors. The default installer code is 4112. While you should always change the master code, it’s usually a good idea to leave the installer code as it is.
  • User codes: User codes allow people to arm and disarm the alarm but don’t provide access to the system or allow users to edit the alarm’s functions. You might assign user codes to family members, such as older children, who may need to disarm the alarm when they arrive home from school.
  • Guest codes: A guest code is similar to a user code but even more limited. A user can only use a guest code to disarm the alarm if it is the code used to arm the alarm. If you have a babysitter or housekeeper coming by while you’re at work, you might set the alarm with the guest code in the morning. When the guest arrives, they use the guest code to disarm the alarm and enter the home.
  • Duress code: A duress code sends a signal to the monitoring station. It’s meant for emergency use, letting the monitoring station know you need immediate help. You may never need to use the duress code, but it’s a good idea to program it, just in case.

How to Change a Honeywell Alarm Code

You should reset a Honeywell alarm code soon after installation or purchasing your home. The exact way to reset a Honeywell alarm code depends on the model. If you have a Vista alarm, use the following process:

  • Type in the default or current master code.
  • Press “8” on the keypad.
  • Press “2” on the keypad.
  • Type in the new four-digit code.
  • Type in the new code again.
  • Wait for the beep to sound telling you the code has been reset.

Changing a master code on other Honeywell systems, particularly those with touchscreens, is more intuitive. From the primary screen, tap on security, tools and master code. Tap on the master code and choose “Edit” to change it.

How to Reset the Installer Code

It’s usually best to leave the installer code as it is. The installer code can’t arm or disarm the system, so it doesn’t present a security risk if someone guesses it. If you forget the installer code, it can complicate things for you, particularly if you want to reconfigure or alter your alarm system’s settings.

If you change the installer code and then forget it, or if a previous owner changed the code and didn’t alert you, you can reset it. To do that on a Vista system, you’ll need to:

  • Disconnect the transformer from the power source and battery.
  • Re-connect the transformer and battery.
  • Turn the alarm on.
  • Press the “*” and “#” simultaneously within 30 seconds of the reboot. The screen will now display “Installer 20.”
  • Press “*20”
  • Type in a new four-digit code. Listen for the beep.
  • Type in *99 to exit.

How to Verify the Code Has Been Changed

Once you change the code on a Honeywell Alarm, confirm that the update has taken place. To do that on a system with a keypad:

  • Type in the new four-digit installer code.
  • Type in “800.”

The display will read “Installer 20″ once you’ve successfully updated the installer code. Type “*99” to exit.

How to Assign, Change or Delete User Codes

If multiple people need to set the alarm or disarm it, assigning unique user codes keeps your system secure. With a user code, a person can arm and disarm the alarm but can’t alter other functions. To set a user code on a system with a keypad, do the following:

  • Type in the master code.
  • Press “8.”
  • Choose a number from 3 to 33 based on the user codes you need. Press those digits on the keypad to assign the user.
  • Type in a four-digit code.
  • Listen for the beep.

To change the user code, repeat the press, typing in a new four-digit code.

If you need to erase a user code, type in your master code, followed by “8” and the user’s number (from 3 to 33). Wait for a beep, which means the code has been deleted.

You can verify that a code works by typing it in and pressing “1”,” which disarms the system. There will be a single beep if the code is valid.

How to Change User Code Authority Levels

User authority levels determine which functions a user can access. For example, a user with authority level one can only arm, not disarm, the system.

You can change the authority level by:

  • Typing in the master code.
  • Pressing “8.”
  • Typing in the user’s number (3 through 33, not their user code).
  • Pressing the number that corresponds to their authority level.

Wayne Alarm Systems Can Help You Program Your Honeywell Alarm

If you need more assistance setting your master code or user codes, Wayne Alarm Systems is here to help. We’re one of the most trusted service providers in Massachusetts and New England. For assistance, contact us online or call 781-595-0000.