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Security Safety & Yard Signs

On March 7, 2016, In News,

Yard SignWayne Alarm Systems uses the latest technology available to provide your family and home with peace of mind and security. While having a security system and actively using it is crucial, one of the first lines of defense from a burglary is having a Wayne Alarm Systems yard sign present in your yard. A majority of burglars confirmed that if they see an alarm sign in someone’s front yard, they will move on and target an easier residence.

Make sure it is visible

Place your Wayne Alarm Systems yard sign in a very visible spot in your front yard. It is best to place it by your main area of entrance such as your front door. Make sure it is placed in an area where you will not have to move it such as when you are mowing the lawn. Having your house # on the sign is also crucial so that in case of an emergency, first responders can easily find your home.

Secure it

Make sure your yard sign is securely in place. When placing in the ground, remove the rubber guard at the top of the sign and then use a rubber mallet to hammer the sign securely into the ground. This will ensure strong winds will not blow your sign over. We also have signs available which you can mount to a fence with metal wire.

Keep it clean

Our yard signs are made out of a durable- heavy duty plastic with a highly reflective material. This ensures when cars drive by at night, the sign will still shine and deter burglars. If you see that the sign is dirty, you can clean it with warm soapy water.

If you are a current Wayne Alarm customer, we are more than happy to supply you with a yard sign and stickers for free. Please visit https://waynealarm.com/request-yard-sign-stickers/  to request stickers, yard signs and calendars.