We can help you find the ideal placement for smoke detectors, reviewing their efficiency along the way. Smoke detectors belong on each level of your house, including the attic and basement. They should be on the ceiling or close to it on the wall. By placing a smoke alarm up high, you’re accounting for the fact that heat rises. As smoke gathers toward the ceiling, the high-up fire alarm can detect it. If it were on the floor, smoke could pass it.
Each bedroom should have a smoke alarm near it and inside it. You can decrease the chance of false alarms by keeping your smoke alarm at a distance from your stove.
Replace smoke alarms after about 10 years to keep them working at their best, and test them monthly. Smoke detectors have test buttons that will allow you to check their functioning, and they usually beep continually if the batteries need replacing. Wired options are also available to remove the concern of forgetting to replace the batteries.
Every home is different, and so are your needs. Having an expert help develop your home fire alarm system can allow you to put detectors in the ideal locations, creating a safer system that responds effectively to fire situations. Our highly trained staff understands fire behavior and smoke movement, so they can help you properly outfit your home for these situations.